Local Outreach
Regular Local Outreach
Almost every other Saturday we meet at the church and go out to minister and bring the Presence of the Lord to the city. Check our "Gather" page for the next scheduled outreach.

Annual Heaven to Earth Festival
Every year in August we rent out Pioneer Square and have live worship all day long as well as a dance and drama. Tents for healing, prophetic, children's and prophetic art. For more information visit: ​heaventoearthfestival.com
International Missions
Westside Vineyard regularly supports ministries around the world and missionaries sent from the USA to countries around the world with an emphasis on extending the kingdom of God among the poor.
In 2021 our church was invited to preach on Pastor Peter's radio show in Uganda. Afterword they were overwhelmed with testimonies and salvations.
Due to COVID 19, the churches can't meet there and people can't gather for any reason. Pastors there haven't had any offering in about a year so we sent food to support them.
The pastors went out using the presence evangelism model and saw lots of people in the slums coming to Christ. They have planted a church there and we are supporting recently saved destitute women and children.
​Since 2013 we have been sending teams to Thailand to do power evangelism, equip the believers there and help plant home fellowships. Hundreds of people have been saved and healed on each trip we have gone on.
We partner with Bridges to the Nations to do work in Thailand. One of the primary goals of the Tamar Center in Pataya, Thailand is to lead bar girls out of that lifestyle and into a healthy life and a personal relationship with Jesus.

Westside Vineyard Church has been sending teams to Indonesia for over 14 years.
We have reached many of the remote islands as well as the major metropolitan area.
In Cambodia we partner with Sophal and Deborah Ung (native Cambodian pastors). They operate a school; feed the poor, orphans and widows; also minister to the refugee camps.
We regularly partner with them to remodel homes for impoverished people so they would have shelter even during the rainy season. Most of the home owners were widows. Below is one of many widows homes remodeled.

We partner with Dr. M. Mathai and Mariamma Mathai who minister to India. They have established a children's home, bible school, and radio ministry.
We regularly purchase sewing machines for the women to make a living through the garment trade.